Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So last night I went to netflix to pull up something to watch while me and the hubby lay in bed before we go to sleep just like we normally do. I asked him what he wanted to watch and he said watch whatever you want because i'm tired. So I picked my movie looked over at andrew and he had his eyes closed so I started watching my movie. About five or so minutes into my movie HE KICKS ME! So our conversation went as follows.
Me: What was that for?!
Andrew: I'm not sure what your talking about?
(I go back to watching my movie and he kicks me again)
Me: I think someone wants attention...
Andrew: I'm trying to go to sleep, shhh watch your movie
(Continue with the movie and he again kicks me)
Me: Seriously? Come on you want my attention
Andrew: I want to cuddle wiff to you so I can go to sleep. Pwease?
Me: Why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of kicking me?
He went to sleep very soon after. Lol
I just thought it was the cutest thing.

While I'm on the subject of Netflix I would just like to say I love it!
But I do blame it for my broken heart and crying for the past two nights.
It has this wonderful feature where it suggests movie for you based off of movies you have liked.
So I spent the last two nights watchings movies about a boy and a girl from different sides of society who fall in love and have this epic story line and then the guy dies.

Well thats my rant for the day.
Have a wonderful night or morning!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I'm back.

Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote!
Thanksgiving was great! We went and saw my dad's side of the family for a short and since everyone finished eating early because they had other family to visit we decided we would go see his parents on the way home. When we got there everyone was about to ride over and see the house his brother was buying. Let me tell you it was beautiful! I wish I had picture's to show you but I lost my charged up battery for my camera in the process of leaving that morning. After we all saw it we went back to his parents and just hung out and laughed the whole time. I really do love my In Laws. Oh and everyone liked my food!
Last Saturday was horrible. I have this overwhelming fear of throwing up, scares me to death. I will fight the urge until I can't anymore. And its been three years or more since the last time. But Saturday out of nowhere I had the urge, fought it and fought it until I gave up. Passed out in the closet which you have to go through our bathroom to get to because I didn't want to wake up Andrew. About 6am he came and found me and got me back in bed to cuddle with me and then I spent the next three or four days laying in bed feeling queasy. The apartment was a mess! So yesterday after talking to someone about a job and then running my hubby to get his prescription filled I came home cleaned out everything finally went through all our stuff that we had stored away and threw away some stuff and donated a bunch of other stuff.